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What Is Depression?

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What Is Depression?

What Is Depression?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is widespread and significant medical condition that has negative impact on how you feel, think, and behave. What Is Depression?
It is also, thankfully, treatable. 
Depression produces unhappiness and/or loss of interest in previously appreciated activities. 
It can cause slew of mental and physical issues, as well as reduction in your capacity to operate at work and at home.

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Symptoms of depression can range from moderate to severe, and include:

  1. Sadness is gloomy state of mind
  2. Loss of interest or pleasure in previously appreciated activities
  3. Appetite changes – weight loss or increase that isn’t connected to dieting
  4. Sleeping problems or sleeping too much
  5. Increased weariness or loss of energy
  6. Increased involuntary physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing, and handwringing) or slower movements or speech (these actions must be severe enough to be observable by others)
    Feeling worthless or remorseful
  7. Thinking, concentrating, or making decisions is difficult.
  8. Suicide or death thoughts

What Is Depression?

For a diagnosis of depression, symptoms must continue at least two weeks and show a change in your previous level of functioning.

What Is Depression?Also, medical diseases (e.g., thyroid difficulties, a brain tumour, or vitamin deficiency) can resemble depressive symptoms, so it’s crucial to screen out any underlying medical issues.

In any given year, a depressed mood is about one in every 15 people (6.7 per cent). One in every six people (16.6%) will suffer from depression at some point in their lives. Depression can strike at any age, but it is most common in late adolescence and early adulthood. Women are more prone to suffer from mental illness than males. According to some research, one-third of women will have a significant depressive episode over their lives.

Sadness, Sorrow, and Sadness are not the same as depression.

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A person’s grief might be exacerbated by the death of a loved one, the loss of a career, or the termination of a relationship. It’s natural to experience sadness or sorrow in response to such circumstances. Those who have suffered a loss may describe themselves as “depressed.”

However, sadness is not the same as depression. Grief is a natural and individual process that shares some of the same characteristics as depression. Grief and depression can both cause extreme sadness and a withdrawal from daily activity. They’re also distinct in a number of ways:

  1. In sorrow, painful emotions come in waves, frequently blended with happy recollections of the deceased. Mood and/or interest (pleasure) are reduced during the majority of two weeks in serious depression.
    Self-esteem is frequently preserved during sorrow. Feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing are typical in serious depression.
  2. When thinking of or fantasising about “joining” a deceased loved one, thoughts of death may arise. In serious depression, thoughts turn to take one’s life because one feels worthless or unworthy of living, or because one is unable to cope with the anguish of despair.

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