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Tag: Psychiatrists in Una Himachal Pradesh

September 22, 2022 mindblissadmin 2 Comments

Psychiatrist & Rehabilitation center in HP

Rehabilitation center in HP Psychiatry is a branch of medicine on the treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral diseases. Psychiatrist in Himachal Pradesh( Una District) specializes in giving treatment for mental health and substance use diseases. The psychiatrist is qualified to assess the physical and mental aspects of psychological issues. People get psychiatric […]

Consequences of Domestic Abuse on Women

Consequences of Domestic Abuse on Women’s Mental Health  Psychiatrist in Una Himachal Pradesh Consequences of Domestic Abuse on Women. Abuse, whether physical, verbal or emotional, can have serious impacts on its victim. Abuse coming from someone close to a person, is indeed more emotionally scarring- leading to a series of questions and confusion. Mental health, […]